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  • ...
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  • ...
  • `; } liTag += `
  • ${totalPages}
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for (i = 0; i < accordionFq.length; i++) { accordionFq[i].addEventListener("click", function () { this.classList.toggle("active"); }); } /* ======MAIN LOGIC======== */ /* =====SETTING CRYPTO BUTTON==== */ const settingCoinButton = () => { const cryptoCntrlBtn = document.querySelector(".crypto-cntrl-btn"); const cryptoSelect = document.querySelector(".crypto-select"); const cryptoSelectCnt = document.querySelector(".crypto-sel-cnt"); const cryptoBdyEch = document.querySelectorAll(".crypto-bdy-ech"); const cryptoBtnImg = document.querySelector(".crypto-cntrl-btn-img"); const cryptoBtnAbbv = document.querySelector(".crypto-cntrl-btn-abbv"); cryptoCntrlBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { cryptoSelect.classList.add("active"); }); cryptoBdyEch.forEach((cryptoBdyEch) => { let newImg; let newDet; cryptoBdyEch.addEventListener("click", () => { newImg = cryptoBdyEch.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("src"); newDet = cryptoBdyEch.children[1].children[1].textContent; cryptoBtnImg.children[0].src = newImg; cryptoBtnAbbv.children[0].textContent = newDet; cryptoSelect.classList.remove("active"); }); }); cryptoSelect.addEventListener("click", (e) => { var isClickInsideElement = cryptoSelectCnt.contains(e.target); if (!isClickInsideElement) { cryptoSelect.classList.remove("active"); } }); }; /* =====SETTING CURRENCY BUTTON==== */ const settingCurrencyButton = () => { const currCntrlBtn = document.querySelector(".currency-cntrl-btn"); const currSelect = document.querySelector(".currency-select"); const currSelectCnt = document.querySelector(".currency-sel-cnt"); const currBdyEch = document.querySelectorAll(".currency-bdy-ech"); const currBtnImg = document.querySelector(".currency-cntrl-btn-img"); const currBtnAbbv = document.querySelector(".currency-cntrl-btn-abbrv"); currCntrlBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { currSelect.classList.add("active"); }); currBdyEch.forEach((currBdyEch) => { let newImg; let newDet; currBdyEch.addEventListener("click", () => { newImg = currBdyEch.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("src"); newDet = currBdyEch.children[1].children[1].textContent; currBtnImg.children[0].src = newImg; currBtnAbbv.children[0].textContent = newDet; currSelect.classList.remove("active"); }); }); currSelect.addEventListener("click", (e) => { var isClickInsideElement = currSelectCnt.contains(e.target); if (!isClickInsideElement) { currSelect.classList.remove("active"); } }); }; /* =====SETTING PAYMENT METHOD BUTTON==== */ const paymentCnt = document.querySelector(".payment-cnt"); const paymentSubCnt = document.querySelector(".pay-sel-cnt"); const paymentSelect = document.querySelector(".payment-select"); const paymentCntAbbrv = document.querySelector(".payment-cnt-abbrv"); const paySelEch = document.querySelectorAll(".pay-sel-ech"); // const pyTyp = document.querySelectorAll(".py-typ"); paymentCnt.addEventListener("click", () => { paymentSelect.classList.add("active"); }); paySelEch.forEach((paySelEch) => { paySelEch.addEventListener("click", () => { paymentCntAbbrv.children[0].textContent = paySelEch.children[1].children[0].textContent; 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const resetChooseBtn = () => { mnBuy.classList.remove("active"); mnSell.classList.remove("active"); }; filterIcn.addEventListener("click", () => { respCnt.style.display = "flex"; respCnt.addEventListener("click", (e) => { var isClickInsideElement = respCntCnt.contains(e.target); if (!isClickInsideElement) { respCnt.style.display = "none"; } }); }); /* =======FECTHING REALTIME DATAS====== */ window.addEventListener("load", () => { const handleCurrencies = async () => { const data = async () => { let currencyHtml = ""; // GETTING ALL CURRENCIES ARRAY const fetchedCurrencies = await getCurrencies(); fetchedCurrencies.forEach((data) => { currencyHtml += `


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    `; } data().then(() => { settingCoinButton(); }); }; handleCurrencies(); handleCoins(); });