var app = {}; app.config = { sessionToken: false, }; app.query = function (el) { return document.querySelector(el); }; app.queryAll = function (el) { return document.querySelectorAll(el); }; app.querySelectorAll = function (el) { return document.querySelectorAll(el); }; app.getParams = function (p) { const qs =; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(qs); return urlParams.get(p); }; app.setCookie = function (n, v) { let e; let d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 8.3); e = "; expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = n + "=" + (v || "") + e + "; path=/"; }; app.getCookie = function (n, callback) { var e = n + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(";"); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == " ") c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(e) == 0) return callback(true, c.substring(e.length, c.length)); } return callback(false, null); }; app.timeSince = function (date) { var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000); var interval = seconds / 31536000; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " years"; } interval = seconds / 2592000; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " months"; } interval = seconds / 86400; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " days"; } interval = seconds / 3600; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " hours"; } interval = seconds / 60; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " minutes"; } return Math.floor(seconds) + " seconds"; }; app.eraseCookie = function (n) { document.cookie = n + "=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;"; app.redirectUrl("../../../../../user/login"); }; app.getSessionToken = function (callback) { var tokenString = localStorage.getItem("token"); if (typeof tokenString == "string") { try { var token = JSON.parse(tokenString); app.config.sessionToken = token; callback(true, app.config.sessionToken); if (typeof token == "object") { app.setLoggedInClass(true); } else { app.setLoggedInClass(false); } } catch (e) { app.config.sessionToken = false; app.setLoggedInClass(false); callback(false, null); console.log("nothing in here"); // callback(false) } } }; app.setLoggedInClass = function (add) { var target = document.querySelector("body"); if (add) { target.classList.add("loggedIn"); } else { target.classList.remove("loggedIn"); } }; app.setSessionToken = function (token) { app.config.sessionToken = token; var tokenString = JSON.stringify(token); localStorage.setItem("token", tokenString); if (typeof token == "object") { app.setLoggedInClass(true); } else { app.setLoggedInClass(false); } }; app.renewToken = function (callback) { var currentToken = typeof app.config.sessionToken == "object" ? app.config.sessionToken : false; if (currentToken) { // Update the token with a new expiration var payload = { id:, extend: true, }; app.client.request( undefined, "api/tokens", "PUT", undefined, payload, function (statusCode, responsePayload) { // Display an error on the form if needed if (statusCode == 200) { // Get the new token details var queryStringObject = { id: }; app.client.request( undefined, "api/tokens", "GET", queryStringObject, undefined, function (statusCode, responsePayload) { // Display an error on the form if needed if (statusCode == 200) { app.setSessionToken(responsePayload); callback(false); } else { app.setSessionToken(false); callback(true); } } ); } else { app.setSessionToken(false); callback(true); } } ); } else { app.setSessionToken(false); callback(true); } }; app.tokenRenewalLoop = function () { setInterval(function () { app.renewToken(function (err) { if (!err) { console.log("Token renewed successfully @ " +; } }); }, 1000 * 60); }; app.redirectUrl = function (url) { window.location = url; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// app.client = {}; app.client.fetch = async (url = "", method, data = {}) => { const response = await fetch(url, { method: method, body: JSON.stringify(data), credentials: "include", }); return response.json(); }; app.client.get = async (url, cb) => { const response = await fetch(url); var obj = await response.json(); cb(obj); }; // Error sweet alert app.client.sweetAlertE = (icon, msg, title) => { swal({ title: title, html: msg, type: icon, timer: 3500, padding: "2em", onOpen: function () { swal.showLoading(); }, }).then(function (result) { if (result.dismiss === swal.DismissReason.timer) { } }); }; //Sweet Alert app.client.sweetAlert = function (icon, msg, title) { swal({ title: title, html: msg, type: icon, timer: 2000, padding: "2em", onOpen: function () { swal.showLoading(); }, }).then(function (result) { if (result.dismiss === swal.DismissReason.timer) { console.log("I was closed by the timer"); } }); }; app.client.sweetAlertS = (icon, msg, title, url) => { swal({ title: title, html: msg, type: icon, timer: 1000, padding: "2em", onOpen: function () { swal.showLoading(); }, }).then(function (result) { if (result.dismiss === swal.DismissReason.timer) { if (url != null) { window.location = url; } } }); }; app.client.request = function ( headers, path, method, queryStringObject, payload, callback ) { // Set defaults headers = typeof headers == "object" && headers !== null ? headers : {}; path = typeof path == "string" ? path : "/"; method = typeof method == "string" && ["POST", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE"].indexOf(method.toUpperCase()) > -1 ? method.toUpperCase() : "GET"; queryStringObject = typeof queryStringObject == "object" && queryStringObject !== null ? queryStringObject : {}; payload = typeof payload == "object" && payload !== null ? payload : {}; callback = typeof callback == "function" ? callback : false; // For each query string parameter sent, add it to the path var requestUrl = path + "?"; var counter = 0; for (var queryKey in queryStringObject) { if (queryStringObject.hasOwnProperty(queryKey)) { counter++; // If at least one query string parameter has already been added, preprend new ones with an ampersand if (counter > 1) { requestUrl += "&"; } // Add the key and value requestUrl += queryKey + "=" + queryStringObject[queryKey]; } } // Form the http request as a JSON type var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, requestUrl, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); // For each header sent, add it to the request for (var headerKey in headers) { if (headers.hasOwnProperty(headerKey)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(headerKey, headers[headerKey]); } } // If there is a current session token set, add that as a header if (app.config.sessionToken) { xhr.setRequestHeader("token",; } // When the request comes back, handle the response xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { var statusCode = xhr.status; var responseReturned = xhr.responseText; // Callback if requested if (callback) { try { var parsedResponse = JSON.parse(responseReturned); callback(statusCode, parsedResponse); } catch (e) { callback(statusCode, false); } } } }; // Send the payload as JSON var payloadString = JSON.stringify(payload); xhr.send(payloadString); }; // Email hasher app.client.hEmail = function (e) { var h = ""; for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { if (i > 1 && i < e.indexOf("@")) { h += "*"; } else { h += e[i]; } } return h; }; app.client.load = function () { return `
`; }; let host =; let protocol = window.location.protocol; // General app.general = () => { app.query(".logout").addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); app.eraseCookie("azer_token"); }); app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { // app.client.get("", app.client.get("", (e) => { app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = ` `; }); app.client .fetch(`../../../../../api/notification`, "POST", { token: r }) .then((x) => { if ( > 0) {, b) => b.notify_id - a.notify_id); => { app.query(".notification-scroll").innerHTML += ` `; }); } else { app.query(".notification-scroll").innerHTML = ` `; } }); }); app.OauthRunTime(); }; app.OauthRunTime = function () { const acz = () => { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.client .fetch("../../../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }) .then((x) => { if (x.isSuccess === false) { app.eraseCookie("azer_token"); // app.redirectUrl("../../../../../user/login"); } }); } else { app.redirectUrl(`../../../../../user/login`); } }); }; acz(); setInterval(acz, 10000); }; app.copyValue = function (e) {; navigator.clipboard.writeText(e.value); app.client.toastS("success", "Copied Successfully", null); }; app.copyHtml = function (e) {; navigator.clipboard.writeText(e.innerHTML); app.client.toastS("success", "Copied Successfully", null); }; app.loading = function () { return `
`; }; // otp verifications app.verrif = function () { if (app.query(".verrif")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.redirectUrl(`../dashio/home?azer_token=${r}`); } }); // app.query(".azer_img").style.backgroundImage = // "url(../public/images/Pic" + Math.round(Math.random() * 14) + ".jpg)"; let em; const obj = { queryString: app.getParams("v") }; app.client.fetch("../auth/verifyOTPQueryString", "POST", obj).then((e) => { if (e.isSuccess) { em = e.result.userEmail; app.query(".azer_hm").innerHTML = app.client.hEmail(em); } else { app.query(".azer_hm").innerHTML = '

Invalid otp link

'; } app.query(".azer_input").addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { if ( === 6) { let c = { code:, email: em }; app.client.fetch("../auth/verify_otp", "POST", c).then((e) => { if (e.isSuccess) { app.setSessionToken(e.token.azer_token); app.setCookie("azer_token", e.token.azer_token); // app.config.sessionToken = true; // console.log(app.config.sessionToken); app.client.sweetAlertS(e.icon, e.message, e.title, e.redirectUrl); } else { app.client.sweetAlertE(e.icon, e.message, e.title); } }); swal({ html: "Loading....", padding: "2em", onOpen: function () { swal.showLoading(); }, }).then(function (result) { result.dismiss; }); } }); app.query(".azer_btn").disabled = false; app.query(".azer_btn").addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (app.query(".azer_input").value.length === 6) { let c = { code: app.query(".azer_input").value }; app.client.fetch("../auth/verify_otp", "POST", c).then((e) => { if (e.isSuccess) { app.setSessionToken(e.token.azer_token); app.setCookie("azer_token", e.token.azer_token); app.client.sweetAlertS(e.icon, e.message, e.title, e.redirectUrl); } else { app.client.sweetAlertE(e.icon, e.message, e.title); } }); swal({ html: "Loading....", padding: "2em", onOpen: function () { swal.showLoading(); }, }).then(function (result) { result.dismiss; }); } else { app.client.toastE( "error", "Kindly paste the OTP sent to your your mail" ); } }); app.query(".azer_rnd").addEventListener("click", () => { app.query(".azer_rnd").innerHTML = " Loading .... "; app.client .fetch("../auth/resend_otp", "POST", { email: em }) .then((e) => { if (e.isSuccess) { app.query(".azer_rnd").innerHTML = " Resend it"; app.client.toastS(e.icon, e.message, e.redirectUrl); } else { app.client.toastE(e.icon, e.message); } }); }); // app.client.toastE(e.icon, e.message); }); } }; // Dashio = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard-analytics")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; app.client.fetch("../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; app.query( ".azer_username" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } // if ( != "") { // if (x.flag === 0) { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ` `; // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ` `; // } // // app.query('.flag-width').src = '../public/images/svg/'+x.flag.toLowerCase()+'.svg'; // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ` `; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); app.query(".btn_notification_nb").addEventListener("click", (e) => { app.redirectUrl("notification"); }); app.query(".value").innerHTML = app.loading(); const getConts = () => { app.client .fetch("../user/wallet/all", "POST", { token: r }) .then((dx) => { let num = 0;, i) => { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(item)) { num += parseFloat(value.availableBalance); // console.log(key); } }); // console.log(num.toLocaleString('en-US', { // style: 'currency', // currency: 'USD', // })); // if(num === NaN){ // app.query('.value').innerHTML = app.loading(); // console.log('isNaN'); // } if (isNaN(num)) { app.query(".value").innerHTML = app.loading(); app.query(".value").innerHTML = "Loading"; } app.query(".value").innerHTML = num.toLocaleString("en-US", { style: "currency", currency: "USD", }); }); }; // getConts(); // setInterval(getConts, 5000); app.query(".add").addEventListener("click", () => { app.redirectUrl("wallet/overview"); }); // app.query('.timeline-line').innerHTML = app.client.load(); app.client .fetch("../api/notification", "POST", { token: r }) .then((x) => { if ( > 0) {, b) => b.notify_id - a.notify_id); => { app.query( ".timeline-line" ).innerHTML += `



${app.timeSince(new Date(n.timestamp))}

`; }); } else { app.query(".timeline-line").innerHTML = `

No notifications

`; } }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Profile Update app.ioUpdate = function () { if (app.query(".azer_user_profile_update")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // GetCountries(); app.client.fetch("../api/countries", "POST", undefined).then((x) => { x.forEach((e) => { var el = document.createElement("option"); el.textContent =; el.value =; el.setAttribute("data-iso2", e.iso2); app.query("#country").appendChild(el); }); }); // Filler app.client.fetch("../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; app.query("#first_name").value = x.first_name; app.query("#last_name").value = x.last_name; app.query("#email").value = x.user_email; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#profession").value = x.profession; app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } // if ( != "") { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ` `; // // app.query('.flag-width').src = '../public/images/svg/'+x.flag.toLowerCase()+'.svg'; // // app.query('#country').value =; // // console.log(app.query('#country')); // // app.query('#country').selectedIndex[0].option =; // // app.query('#country').option[app.query('#country').selectedIndex] =; // } if (x.twitter != "") { app.query("#twitter").value = x.twitter; } if (x.instagram != "") { app.query("#instagram").value = x.instagram; } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Update Button app.query("#azer_save").addEventListener("click", function () { // # let dataObj = { token: r, first_name: app.query("#first_name").value, last_name: app.query("#last_name").value, profession: app.query("#profession").value, country: app.query("#country").value, country_iso2: app .query("#country") .options[app.query("#country").selectedIndex].getAttribute( "data-iso2" ), twitter: app.query("#twitter").value, instagram: app.query("#instagram").value, }; app.client .fetch("../auth/update_user_info", "POST", dataObj) .then((r) => { if (r.isSuccess) { app.client.toastS(r.icon, r.message, r.redirectUrl); app.query(".flag-width").src = "../public/images/svg/" + r.flag.toLowerCase() + ".svg"; } else { app.client.toastE(r.icon, r.message); } }); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Profile app.profile = function () { if (app.query(".dashio_user_profile")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // Filler app.client.fetch("../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; app.query(".user_name").innerHTML = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; app.query(".profession").lastChild.textContent = x.profession; app.query( ".country" ).lastChild.textContent = `${}, ${x.flag}`; app.query(".user_email").lastChild.textContent = x.user_email; app.query(".twitter").lastChild.textContent = x.twitter; app.query(".instagram").lastChild.textContent = x.instagram; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } // if ( != "") { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ` `; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Trade = function () { if (app.query(".dashio_trade")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // Filler app.client.fetch("../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { // if ( != "") { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ` `; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Notification app.notification = function () { if (app.query(".dashio_notification")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // Filler app.client.fetch("../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { // if ( != "") { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ` `; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio KYC app.kyc = function () { if (app.query(".dashio_kyc")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // Filler app.client.fetch("../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { // if ( != "") { // app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = ` `; // } const button = document.getElementById("metamap-button"); button.addEventListener("mati:userFinishedSdk", ({ detail }) => { app.client .fetch("../../../user/kyc/success", "POST", { token: r, keychain: detail.verificationId, }) .then((xd) => { if (xd.isSuccess) { app.client.sweetAlertS(xd.icon, xd.message, xd.title); } }); }); button.addEventListener("mati:exitedSdk", ({ detail }) => { app.client .fetch("../../../user/kyc/cancel", "POST", { token: r, keychain: detail.verificationId, }) .then((xd) => { if (!xd.isSuccess) { app.client.sweetAlertE(xd.icon, xd.message, xd.title); } }); }); app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../user/login"); } }); } }; // Old Dashio Wallet Overview app.oldWalletOverview = function () { if (app.query(".old_dashboard_wallet_overview")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // app.query('.azer_wallet_h').style.display = 'none'; app.query(".tx_h").innerHTML = `Coinazer Wallet`; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } // if ( != "") { // if (x.flag === 0) { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); app.query(".azer_ad_btn").addEventListener("click", function (m) { const c = app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol; const dataObj = { coinsymbol: c, token: r, }; app.query(".azer_cp_address").innerHTML = '
'; app.query(".r_sym").innerHTML = '
'; app.query(".azer_username").lastChild.innerHTML = '
'; app.client.fetch("../../api/user/coin", "POST", dataObj).then((w) => { if (!w.isSuccess) { app.client.sweetAlertE(w.icon, w.message); } app.query(".azer_username").lastChild.textContent = + ` Address`; app.query(".azer_c").innerHTML =; app.query(".r_sym").src = w.coinObj.symbol; app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").value = w.coinObj.coin; app.query(".azer_cp_address").innerHTML = w.coinObj.coin; }); }); // if (navigator.geolocation) { // navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error); // } else { // alert("Your browser is out of fashion. There is no geo location!") // } // function success(position) { // var latitude = position.coords.latitude; // var longitude = position.coords.longitude // console.log(`Your latitude is ${latitude} and your longitude is ${longitude}`) // return (latitude, longitude); // } // function error() { // alert("Can't detect your location. Try again later.") // } // Copy app.query(".azer_copy").addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").select(); // For Mobile devices // app.query('.azer_cp_adr_h').setSelectionRange(0, 99999); // For Mobile devices navigator.clipboard.writeText(app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").value); app.client.toastS("success", "Copied Successfully", null); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // New Dashio Wallet Overview app.walletOverview = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_wallet_overview")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // app.query('.azer_wallet_h').style.display = 'none'; // app.query(".tx_h").innerHTML = `Coinazer Wallet`; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } // if ( != "") { // if (x.flag === 0) { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Wallet Deposit app.walletDeposit = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_wallet_deposit")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // app.query('.azer_wallet_h').style.display = 'none'; // app.query(".tx_h").innerHTML = `Coinazer Wallet`; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } // if ( != "") { // if (x.flag === 0) { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); // app.query(".azer_ad_btn").addEventListener("click", function (m) { // const c = app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol; // const dataObj = { // coinsymbol: c, // token: r, // }; // app.query(".azer_cp_address").innerHTML = // '
'; // app.query(".r_sym").innerHTML = // '
'; // app.query(".azer_username").lastChild.innerHTML = // '
'; // app.client.fetch("../../api/user/coin", "POST", dataObj).then((w) => { // if (!w.isSuccess) { // app.client.sweetAlertE(w.icon, w.message); // } // app.query(".azer_username").lastChild.textContent = // + ` Address`; // app.query(".azer_c").innerHTML =; // app.query(".r_sym").src = w.coinObj.symbol; // app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").value = w.coinObj.coin; // app.query(".azer_cp_address").innerHTML = w.coinObj.coin; // }); // }); // if (navigator.geolocation) { // navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error); // } else { // alert("Your browser is out of fashion. There is no geo location!") // } // function success(position) { // var latitude = position.coords.latitude; // var longitude = position.coords.longitude // console.log(`Your latitude is ${latitude} and your longitude is ${longitude}`) // return (latitude, longitude); // } // function error() { // alert("Can't detect your location. Try again later.") // } // Copy // app.query(".azer_copy").addEventListener("click", function (e) { // app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").select(); // For Mobile devices // // app.query('.azer_cp_adr_h').setSelectionRange(0, 99999); // For Mobile devices // navigator.clipboard.writeText(app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").value); // app.client.toastS("success", "Copied Successfully", null); // }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Wallet Withdraw app.walletWithdraw = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_wallet_withdraw")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Wallet Withdraw Fiat app.walletWithdrawFiat = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_wallet_withdraw_fiat")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Transaction History app.transactionHistory = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_transaction_history")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // app.query('.azer_wallet_h').style.display = 'none'; // app.query(".tx_h").innerHTML = `Coinazer Wallet`; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } // if ( != "") { // if (x.flag === 0) { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); // app.query(".azer_ad_btn").addEventListener("click", function (m) { // const c = app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol; // const dataObj = { // coinsymbol: c, // token: r, // }; // app.query(".azer_cp_address").innerHTML = // '
'; // app.query(".r_sym").innerHTML = // '
'; // app.query(".azer_username").lastChild.innerHTML = // '
'; // app.client.fetch("../../api/user/coin", "POST", dataObj).then((w) => { // if (!w.isSuccess) { // app.client.sweetAlertE(w.icon, w.message); // } // app.query(".azer_username").lastChild.textContent = // + ` Address`; // app.query(".azer_c").innerHTML =; // app.query(".r_sym").src = w.coinObj.symbol; // app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").value = w.coinObj.coin; // app.query(".azer_cp_address").innerHTML = w.coinObj.coin; // }); // }); // if (navigator.geolocation) { // navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error); // } else { // alert("Your browser is out of fashion. There is no geo location!") // } // function success(position) { // var latitude = position.coords.latitude; // var longitude = position.coords.longitude // console.log(`Your latitude is ${latitude} and your longitude is ${longitude}`) // return (latitude, longitude); // } // function error() { // alert("Can't detect your location. Try again later.") // } // Copy // app.query(".azer_copy").addEventListener("click", function (e) { // app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").select(); // For Mobile devices // // app.query('.azer_cp_adr_h').setSelectionRange(0, 99999); // For Mobile devices // navigator.clipboard.writeText(app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").value); // app.client.toastS("success", "Copied Successfully", null); // }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Setting Personal app.personalDetails = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_setting_personal")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // app.query('.azer_wallet_h').style.display = 'none'; // app.query(".tx_h").innerHTML = `Coinazer Wallet`; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } // if ( != "") { // if (x.flag === 0) { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); // app.query(".azer_ad_btn").addEventListener("click", function (m) { // const c = app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol; // const dataObj = { // coinsymbol: c, // token: r, // }; // app.query(".azer_cp_address").innerHTML = // '
'; // app.query(".r_sym").innerHTML = // '
'; // app.query(".azer_username").lastChild.innerHTML = // '
'; // app.client.fetch("../../api/user/coin", "POST", dataObj).then((w) => { // if (!w.isSuccess) { // app.client.sweetAlertE(w.icon, w.message); // } // app.query(".azer_username").lastChild.textContent = // + ` Address`; // app.query(".azer_c").innerHTML =; // app.query(".r_sym").src = w.coinObj.symbol; // app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").value = w.coinObj.coin; // app.query(".azer_cp_address").innerHTML = w.coinObj.coin; // }); // }); // if (navigator.geolocation) { // navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error); // } else { // alert("Your browser is out of fashion. There is no geo location!") // } // function success(position) { // var latitude = position.coords.latitude; // var longitude = position.coords.longitude // console.log(`Your latitude is ${latitude} and your longitude is ${longitude}`) // return (latitude, longitude); // } // function error() { // alert("Can't detect your location. Try again later.") // } // Copy // app.query(".azer_copy").addEventListener("click", function (e) { // app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").select(); // For Mobile devices // // app.query('.azer_cp_adr_h').setSelectionRange(0, 99999); // For Mobile devices // navigator.clipboard.writeText(app.query(".azer_cp_adr_h").value); // app.client.toastS("success", "Copied Successfully", null); // }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Setting Payout app.payoutDetails = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_setting_payout")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); window.addEventListener("load", async () => { const selectElement = document.getElementById("bnkNam"); const selectEditElement = app.query(".editBnkNam"); console.log(selectElement, selectEditElement); await fetch("../../api/bank/list") .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => { const defaultOption = document.createElement("option"); defaultOption.value = "default"; defaultOption.textContent = "Select a bank"; const defaultOptionClone = defaultOption.cloneNode(true); selectEditElement.appendChild(defaultOption); selectElement.appendChild(defaultOptionClone); data.forEach((item) => { const option = document.createElement("option"); option.value =; option.textContent =; const optionClone = option.cloneNode(true); selectElement.appendChild(option); selectEditElement.appendChild(optionClone); }); // console.log(selectElement); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error fetching data:", error); }); }); const addBank = app.query(".addBank"); const addBankCnt = app.query(".addBank-cnt"); const AddBtn = app.queryAll(".AddBtn"); const addBnkCls = app.query(".addBnkCls"); AddBtn.forEach((AddBtn) => { AddBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); addBank.classList.add("active"); }); }); app.query(".azer_bank_dets").innerHTML = app.loading(); app.client .fetch("../../user/bank/get", "POST", { token: r }) .then((x) => { if (x.isSuccess) { app.query(".azer_bank_dets").innerHTML = ""; if (x.result.length > 0) { app.query(".avail-spread").style.display = "flex"; app.query(".not-spread").style.display = "none"; let dataTable = ""; x.result.sort((a, b) => b.bank_id - a.bank_id); x.result.forEach((e) => { dataTable += `

${e.currency_iso3 }

Account name: ${e.bank_account_name}
Account number: ${e.bank_account}
Bank name: ${e.bank_name}
${e.set_default ? `
Default account
` : `
` }
`; }); app.query(".azer_bank_dets").innerHTML = dataTable; //SETTING EDIT BANK DETAILS HANDLER const editBank = app.query(".editBank"); const editBtn = app.queryAll(".editBtn"); const editTrash = app.queryAll(".editTrash"); const acctDefault = app.queryAll(".acctDefault"); const editBnkCls = app.query(".editBnkCls"); let updateKeychain; editBtn.forEach((editBtn) => { editBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { editBank.classList.add("active"); x.result.forEach((data) => { if (data.keychain === editBtn.dataset.keychain) { app.query("#editCountry").value =; app.query("#editCurrency").value = data.currency_iso3; app.query(".editBnkNam").value = data.bank_name; app.query(".editAcctNum").value = data.bank_account; app.query(".editAcctNam").value = data.bank_account_name; app.query(".acckeychain").value = data.keychain; keychain = data.keychain; } }); }); }); //EDIT BUTTON HANDLER app.query(".edit_azer_account").addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const dataObj = { country: app.query("#editCountry").value, currency: app.query("#editCurrency").value, bankName: app.query(".editBnkNam").value, accountNumber: app.query(".editAcctNum").value, accountName: app.query(".editAcctNam").value, token: r, keychain: app.query(".acckeychain").value, }; app.client.toastE("info", "Updating bank account...."); app.client .fetch("../../user/bank/update", "POST", dataObj) .then((x) => { if (x.isSuccess) { app.client.toastS(x.icon, x.message, "payout"); } else { app.client.toastE(x.icon, x.message); } }); }); editBnkCls.addEventListener("click", () => { editBank.classList.remove("active"); }); //DELETE BANK DETAILS HANDLER editTrash.forEach((editTrash) => { editTrash.addEventListener("click", () => { x.result.forEach((data) => { if (data.keychain === editTrash.dataset.keychain) { app.client.toastE("info", "Deleting bank account...."); const dataObj = { keychain: data.keychain, token: r, }; app.client .fetch("../../user/bank/delete", "POST", dataObj) .then((x) => { if (x.isSuccess) { app.client.toastS(x.icon, x.message, "payout"); } else { app.client.toastE(x.icon, x.message); } }); } }); }); }); //SET AS DEFAULT HANDLER acctDefault.forEach((acctDefault) => { acctDefault.addEventListener("change", () => { x.result.forEach((data) => { if (data.keychain === acctDefault.dataset.keychain) { app.client.toastE( "info", "Updating default bank account...." ); const dataObj = { keychain: data.keychain, token: r, }; app.client .fetch("../../user/bank/set_default", "POST", dataObj) .then((x) => { if (x.isSuccess) { app.client.toastS(x.icon, x.message, "payout"); } else { app.client.toastE(x.icon, x.message); } }); } }); }); }); // More function goes here //# Code } else { app.query(".avail-spread").style.display = "none"; app.query(".not-spread").style.display = "flex"; } } else { app.client.sweetAlertE(x.icon, x.message, x.title); } }); app.query(".add_azer_account").addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let country = app .query("#country") .options[app.query("#country").selectedIndex].getAttribute( "data-iso2" ); let currency = app.query("#currency") .options[app.query("#currency").selectedIndex].getAttribute("data-currency"); let bnkNam = app.query(".bnkNam").value; let acctNum = app.query(".acctNum").value; let acctNam = app.query(".acctNam").value; const dataObj = { country: country, currency: currency, bankName: bnkNam, accountNumber: acctNum, accountName: acctNam, token: r, }; app.client.toastE("info", "Adding bank account...."); app.client.fetch("../../user/bank/add", "POST", dataObj).then((x) => { if (x.isSuccess) { app.client.toastS(x.icon, x.message, "payout"); } else { app.client.toastE(x.icon, x.message); } }); }); addBnkCls.addEventListener("click", () => { addBank.classList.remove("active"); }); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio Setting Business app.businessDetails = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_setting_buisness")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // app.query('.azer_wallet_h').style.display = 'none'; // app.query(".tx_h").innerHTML = `Coinazer Wallet`; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio crypto Payment Link app.linkCrypto = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_link_crypto")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { userKeyChain = x.api_key; app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); let dataTable = ""; app.client .fetch("../../auth/get_payment_link", "POST", { token: r }) .then((x) => { x.sort((a, b) => b.link_id - a.link_id); if (x.length > 0) { x.forEach((e) => { let cc, ss, ac = null; delete e.api_key; if (e.link_country_iso3 === "ngn") { cc = "N"; } else if (e.link_country_iso3 === "usd") { cc = "$"; } else if (e.link_country_iso3 === "eur") { cc = "€"; } if (e.link_status > 0) { ss = "checked"; ac = "active"; } else { ss = "unchecked"; ac = "inactive"; } let amount = e.link_amount === 0 || e.link_amount === null ? 0 : e.link_amount; // console.log(typeof amount); dataTable += `
${e.transaction_count }
${cc + new Intl.NumberFormat().format(amount)}
`; }); app.query(".azer_link_table").innerHTML = dataTable; app.queryAll(".azer_link_copy").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { let url = + `/pay/?id=${}`; navigator.clipboard.writeText(url); app.client.toastS("success", "Copied Successfully", null); }); }); app.queryAll(".qrcode_gen").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function () { app.query(".link_name").innerHTML =; const qrCode = new QRCodeStyling({ width: 300, height: 300, type: "svg", data: + `/pay/?id=${}`, image: "", dotsOptions: { color: "#4267b2", type: "classy", }, backgroundOptions: { color: "#e9ebee", }, imageOptions: { crossOrigin: "anonymous", margin: 20, imageSize: 0.5, }, // cornersDotOptions: { // color: "#FFF", // type: "dot" // } }); qrCode.append(document.getElementById("canvas")); }); }); app.queryAll(".az_ln_stat").forEach((x) => { x.addEventListener("change", (e) => { console.log(x.checked); if (x.checked) { swal({ title: "Activate link", text: " This payment will be active ", type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: "Activate", padding: "2em", }).then(function (result) { if (result.value) { swal({ title: "Loading", html: "Please wait...", // type: 'success', padding: "2em", onOpen: function () { swal.showLoading(); }, }); let dataObj = { token: r, keychain:, }; app.client .fetch( "../../auth/update_payment_link_status", "POST", dataObj ) .then((r) => { if (r.isSuccess) { app.client.sweetAlertS( r.icon, r.message, r.title, r.redirectUrl ); } else { app.client.sweetAlertE(r.icon, r.message); } }); } }); } else { swal({ title: "Deactivate link", text: " This payment will be deactived ", type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: "Deactivate", padding: "2em", }).then(function (result) { if (result.value) { swal({ title: "Loading", html: "Please wait...", // type: 'success', padding: "2em", onOpen: function () { swal.showLoading(); }, }); let dataObj = { token: r, keychain:, }; app.client .fetch( "../../auth/update_payment_link_status", "POST", dataObj ) .then((r) => { if (r.isSuccess) { app.client.sweetAlertS( r.icon, r.message, r.title, r.redirectUrl ); } else { app.client.sweetAlertE(r.icon, r.message); } }); } }); } }); }); } else { dataTable += `
You have no payment link
`; app.query(".azer_link_table").innerHTML = dataTable; } }); // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); // app.query('#okey').addEventListener('click', () => { // var data = { // email: app.query('#to').value, // from: app.query('#from').value, // body: app.query('#textarea').value, // subject: app.query('#subj').value // } // app.client.fetch('../../app/mailer', 'POST', data).then((x) => { // console.log(x); // app.query('.innerHTML').innerHTML = x.body; // }) // }) } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; // Dashio crypto Payment Link View app.linkCryptoView = function () { if (app.query(".dashboard_link_crypto_view")) { app.getCookie("azer_token", (e, r) => { if (e) { app.general(); app.query(".country_flag").innerHTML = '
'; // Fetch app.client.fetch("../../api/token", "POST", { token: r }).then((x) => { userKeyChain = x.api_key; app.query( ".azer_user" ).lastChild.textContent = `${x.first_name} ${x.last_name}`; if (x.profession != "") { app.query("#azer_profession").innerHTML = x.profession; } // if ( != "") { // if (x.flag === 0) { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } // } else { // app.query( // ".country_flag" // ).innerHTML = ``; // } app.kycProcessor(Number(x.verified)); }); if (app.getParams("id")) { app.query(".pl_keychain").innerHTML = app.getParams("id"); let obj = { token: r, keychain: app.getParams("id"), }; let dataTable = ""; app.client .fetch("../../auth/payment_link/id", "POST", obj) .then((e) => { e.sort((a, b) => b.transac_id - a.transac_id); if (e.length > 0) { e.forEach((e) => { dataTable += `
`; }); app.query(".azer_link_table").innerHTML = dataTable; } else { dataTable += `
You have no transactions in the payment link
`; app.query(".azer_link_table").innerHTML = dataTable; } }); app.query(".azer_link_table").innerHTML = dataTable; } else { app.redirectUrl("crypto"); } // Picker app.queryAll(".azer_coin_picker").forEach((c) => { c.addEventListener("click", function (e) { app.query(".ad_img").src = c.dataset.srcset; app.query(".azer_ad_tx").innerHTML = c.dataset.coin; app.query(".azer_ad_btn").dataset.coinsymbol = c.dataset.coinsymbol; }); }); } else { app.redirectUrl("../../user/login"); } }); } }; app.kycProcessor = function (num) { if (num === 0) { app.query(".kyclink").innerHTML = app.kycLink(); } else if (num === 2) { app.query(".kyclink").innerHTML = app.kycLinkReview(); } else { app.query(".kyclink").innerHTML = ""; } }; // Kyc link app.kycLink = function () { return ``; }; app.kycLinkReview = function () { return `